
Transnational Legal Studies A and Transnational Legal Studies B offer students an opportunity to participate in an intensive international, comparative, and transnational law program taught by staff from 20 partner law schools at the Centre for Transnational Studies (CTLS) in London.  These courses are offered consecutively, twice a year, to … For more content click the Read More button below. Within the CTLS program UNSW Faculty of Law and Justice students will join with students from partner law schools to:  Study one CTLS core subject, and three CTLS elective subjects (selected from the electives on offer that semester). Participate in an introductory activity where students share their unique perspectives and what they bring to the program. Participate in a weekly workshop featuring some of the world's leading scholars and practitioners of international, comparative, and transnational law.  Eligible students must make an application to the UNSW Faculty of Law & Justice to participate in this program. Applications will open at the start of the UNSW academic year. Three students will be selected each year based on academic merit and a 500-word statement explaining why they would like to join the program, including how it connects to their interests and future aspirations.  Students will enrol in Transnational Legal Studies A and Transnational Legal Studies B in the UNSW teaching periods that align with their chosen semester (Fall: Term 2 and Term 3, OR Spring: Summer and Term 1). Successful completion of these courses is dependent on satisfactory performance within the CTLS programs’ subjects and activities. Students must attain a ‘Satisfactory’ grade in both 12UOC courses to be awarded the cumulative 24UOC.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: 78UOC in LAWS courses


In-person - Intensive

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)