In today's business world, marketing is viewed as central to creating and delivering value both to the organisation and to the customer. It impacts all aspects of a business organisation, shaping and directing corporate through to marketing strategy. Many companies acknowledge that their growth and survival depends on putting the … For more content click the Read More button below.
This course introduces the student to the major concepts and theories, reflecting the breadth and diversity of marketing. It provides insights into where marketing fits within an organisation, its contributions to business in general, describes frameworks supporting marketing activities, and helps with challenges in the ever changing market place. It discusses the application of this understanding to consumer goods, as well as service, business-to-business, industrial and non-profit organizations, and to the growing area of e-commerce. Topics include: marketing processes and planning, the use of market research, an understanding of consumers and customers, decision-making and the marketing mix, market segmentation, positioning and product differentiation, the changing global environment.
Conditions for Enrolment
Prereq: 6 UOC of any DPGE, DPST, DPBS and enrolled in a Global Diploma program
Equivalent Courses
Course Attributes
General Education
Introductory Course
In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)
Pre-2019 Handbook Editions
Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)