The field of Environmental Microbiology offers great potential for the development of new and innovative strategies and products for the management and protection of the environment. Microorganisms underpin every environment on Earth. In this course, students learn of the vital role of microbes in marine, freshwater,and terrestrial ecosystems by exploring the dynamic interactions that take place between microbial communities, the surroundings, and higher organisms. A series of lectures and practical sessions cover key themes in contemporary environmental microbiology including microbial diversity and function, communication, adaptation to extreme environments, and biogeochemical cycling. This course actively addresses key UN Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG13 (Climate Action), SD14 (Life Below Water), SDG15 (Life on Land), and SDG10 (Reduced Inequalities). This course also engages, values, and incorporates Indigenous Knowledge into learning outcomes. Students will also gain theoretical and practical experience in the latest cutting-edge techniques used to study microbial ecosystem function. Laboratory sessions allow students to gain experience in experimental design and practical skills of research in the context of mini-research projects involving environmental issues. An online component of the course is used to support laboratory activities and help students track their own progress and understanding of the course content. This course emphasises how the principles and techniques of Environmental Microbiology can be applied to a range of environmental problems – especially those faced as a result of global climate change - and lead to the development of sustainable resources and commercial applications, as expanded in Environmental Biotechnology (BIOT3081). Note: Highly recommended: MICR2011, BIOC2201, BIOS2021 or BIOS2621.