
This course builds on MATH2120 Mathematical Methods for Differential Equations in that it is concerned with ways of solving the (usually partial) differential equations that arise mainly in physical, biological and engineering applications. Analytical methods have considerable intrinsic interest, but their importance for applications is the driving motive behind this … For more content click the Read More button below. The course begins by characterising different partial differential equations (PDEs), and exploring similarity solutions and the method of characteristics to solve them. The Fourier transform, the natural extension of a Fourier series expansion is then investigated. For functions of time, the Fourier transform corresponds to the “spectrum” of the function or signal in the problem in the frequency domain. Closely related to the Fourier transform is the Laplace transform which is particularly useful for solving the initial value PDEs that arise in many physical applications. Although contour integration is an intrinsic part of using these transforms, only brief references to complex variable methods will be made. Transforms give a wide insight into the behaviour of a function and suggests other possibilities for the integral representation of solutions of PDEs. By exploiting certain special solutions of a given linear PDE we eventually obtain the idea of a Green's function for the PDE and a corresponding integral form for the solution. The power of Green's functions can be observed in their use as the inverses of differential operators on both infinite and bounded domains. Frequently it is not possible to evaluate in closed form the Fourier, Laplace or Green’s function integrals appearing in the solution of the given PDE. All is not lost as we can still explore the asymptotic behaviour of these integrals at large parameter values and obtain physically useful information on the solution of the underlying problem.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: 12 units of credit in Level 2 Mathematics courses including (MATH2011 or MATH2111) and (MATH2121 or MATH2221) or (both MATH2019 (DN) and MATH2089) or both (MATH2069 (DN) and MATH2099)


Multimodal - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)

Course Outline

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Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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