Different legal systems have evolved in different parts of the world. Australia is a common law country – its legal system is based on the English common law system. This course offers students a comprehensive introduction to the Australian legal system, a common law system, and contrasts it with the … For more content click the Read More button below.
The course will examine the historical origins of the Australian legal system, some of the principles underpinning it's legal system, including the importance of the concept of the rule of law. It also covers the operation of the principal institutions of the legal system, the legislative and executive arms of government and the judiciary and courts. This will include the jurisdiction of Australian courts, the process by which cases are decided and the doctrine of precedent, consideration of alternative methods of dispute resolution and an examination of the role of the legal profession. There will also be an overview of the main branches of law.
First Nations laws will be explored and there will be a critical analysis of the circumstances of the adoption of the common law in Australia and the effect on First Nations people. There will also be discussion of the recognition of customary law and native title.
No prior knowledge of the Australian legal system is required. A major focus of the course is the social relevance of law in our daily lives and in today’s society.
Main Topics
The Rule of LawThe Common Law Legal SystemOther Types of Legal SystemsThe Separation of PowersThe Federal ConstitutionParliamentary SovereigntyLegislation by ParliamentHierarchy of CourtsThe Doctrine of PrecedentThe Legal ProfessionAlternative Forms of Dispute ResolutionTribunalsContract LawTort LawCriminal LawAustralian Consumer LawEmployment Law
Conditions for Enrolment
Exclusion: enrolment in program 3502, 3543, 3571, 3979, 3971
Course Attributes
General Education
In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)
Course Outline
To access course outline please visit below link (Please note that access to UNSW Canberra course outlines requires VPN):
Type | Amount |
Commonwealth Supported Students (if applicable) | $1893 |
Domestic Students | $5940 |
International Students | $5940 |
Pre-2019 Handbook Editions
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