This course is compulsory for students undertaking honours in psychology. It complements PSYC4093 Psychology 4A as part of the coursework requirement of the Honours Program in Psychology. PSYC4103 has a core component and an elective stream. The core component is taken by all students and comprises a weekly 2-hour lecture … For more content click the Read More button below.
PSYC4103 Psychology 4B Core component: The core component takes a scientist-practitioner approach, linking real world problems faced by organisational, forensic and clinical psychologists with empirically-supported interventions. It develops the foundations of psychological testing, including the theoretical and empirical bases underpinning the construction, implementation, and interpretation of some of the more widely used cognitive and personality assessments, and foundational skills in the ethical use of psychological tests. In addition, it develops foundational knowledge and skills in interviewing and counselling.
PSYC4103 Psychology 4B Elective streams:
Are You Looking at Me? The Neuroscience of Gaze Perception (Prof ColinClifford)Of Mice and (Wo)men: Putting Gender on the Agenda in NeuroscienceResearch (Dr Bronwyn Graham)Emotions (Prof Eddie Harmon-Jones)Associative Learning: Thinking outside the (Skinner) box (Dr Mike Le Pelley)Of Minds and Machines: An Introduction to Probabilistic Models of HumanCognition (A/Prof Dan Navarro)Language Dysfunction (Prof Marcus Taft)Turning Inside Out Inside Out (Dr Lisa Williams)
Conditions for Enrolment
Pre-requisite: Enrolled in PSYCAH stream
In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)
Course Outline
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