
Students will take two of the four lecture modules offered in general relativity; quantum field theory; astrophysics; and quantum matter, information and computing. Quantum Matter, Information and Computing will introduce students to quantum computing, the physics of superconducting devices, the Quantum Hall and other topological effects in materials, and the … For more content click the Read More button below. Quantum field theory is an important tool in many branches of theoretical physics.  In fundamental physics, the QFT framework combines special relativity and quantum mechanics to explain the subatomic structure of matter and the physics of the early universe.   In condensed matter physics, it provides a quantum description of many-body systems.  This first course in QFT comprises an introduction to classical field theory, the Euler-Lagrange equations and Noether’s theorem, the Dirac and Klein-Gordon equations, the quantisation of free scalar, vector and spinor fields; and a selection of topics drawn from covariant perturbation theory, the S-matrix and Feynman diagrams; the computation of elementary processes in quantum electrodynamics; field theory approach to phase transitions; dimensional reduction in classical criticality;  critical indexes in low-dimensional systems; non-linear sigma-model and topological solutions. The General Theory of Relativity is Einstein's geometric theory of gravitation that unifies the Special Theory of Relativity and Newton’s law of gravitation.  This first course in General Relativity will provide an introduction to non-Euclidean geometry, Einstein’s equation; spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein’s equations (Schwarzschild solution), the weak field limit; Gravitational collapse, black holes; linearised gravity, gravitational waves and their production and observation; Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker cosmology, the standard hot Big Bang model.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: PHYS4141 and PHYS4142


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)

Course Outline

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