
This is the first introductory course in the discipline of transport engineering as part of the broad field of civil and environmental engineering. An outline of the field of transport engineering and its relationships with other engineering and non-engineering disciplines is provided within the course. The basic concepts and terminology … For more content click the Read More button below. The first strand of the course covers the first 5 weeks of the session.  This section of the course is concerned with the analysis, design, and evaluation of traffic and network systems, including the basics of traffic flow theory and the steps of the regional transportation planning process. The lectures and workshops will provide an opportunity to learn the engineering properties of traffic streams along with relevant measurement and network analysis techniques. The aim of the second strand is to give students a brief overview of the geometric design of Rural Highways and Roads, which will be covered in weeks 6-10. Road design is usually undertaken by specialists under the supervision of a civil engineer. The engineer must therefore have a good understanding of the design methods, guidelines, and quality requirements to enable him/her to evaluate the design. The progress of the project work will be noted by the demonstrators. The design procedure being taught is based on the Austroads Road Design Guide.  


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)

Course Outline

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Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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