
Subject Area: Education This course provides an opportunity for students to understand the structure and practice of education in NSW and appreciate the cognitive and societal factors that shape students' experiences and educational outcomes.  Through a university based seminar and 15 days of school-based fieldwork, the course enables students to … For more content click the Read More button below.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: 72 uoc overall, including EDST1101, EDST1104, EDST1108, and EDST2003, and enrolment in an Education program. Students must have passed the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education in order to enrol into this course

Course Attributes

Work Integrated Learning


In-person - Intensive

Course Outline

To access course outline please visit below link (Please note that access to UNSW Canberra course outlines requires VPN):


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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