
This course investigates some of the major questions and critical debates that arise in literatures written in English by colonised and formerly colonised peoples around the globe. This course will examine aspects of colonial and postcolonial literary representation in relation to race, gender, geography, ethnicity, indigeneity and language transformation. The … For more content click the Read More button below.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: 48 UOC overall, including 6 UOC at level 1 and 6 UOC at level 2 in one of the following streams, English


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)

Course Outline

To access course outline please visit below link (Please note that access to UNSW Canberra course outlines requires VPN):


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)