In the twentieth century sport was transformed from an amateur pastime to a global business and became an important tool for nations in the conduct international relations and diplomacy. This course will introduce students to the development of the international sports system and its modes of governance. It will consider … For more content click the Read More button below.
Main Topics
Sport, Spectacle and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe
Soft Power and International Relations
The Governance Structures of International Sport
Totalitarian Regimes and the use of Sport in international relations
The use of sporting boycotts in internationals relations
Human rights and sport
Sport as development Aid
The Politics of Sport and intellectual Property and Ambush Marketing
Sweatshops and the Sports Apparel Industry
Sport and International Treaties
Intersection of International Law and Sport
The Court of Arbitration for Sport and the World Anti Doping Agency
Exclusion Courses
Course Outline
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Additional Information
This course is offered as General Education.
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