
Distributed energy generation is developing into a significant market in the generation, distribution and utilisation of electrical energy. It includes local fossil fuel-derived energy sources, for example, co-generation from LNG, renewable energy sources, such as wind and hydro, and low-carbon hybrid energy systems that combine energy sources from more than … For more content click the Read More button below. Issues that will be covered include the basics of distribution network modelling, the different types of distributed energy sources utilised (Co-generation/CHP, wind, hydro, photovoltaics) and who they are integrated onto the electrical grid, the impact of the integration of such sources on the fundamental operation of the distribution and transmission networks, and how distributed generation is impacting on the development and operation of market frameworks. The material will be presented by a team of leading researchers in each of the cognate areas.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: ELEC2134

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