
This course will provide you with an overview of the historical context of design and introduce you to the core principles and theories that underpin design history. At the conclusion of this course, you will understand the relevance and purpose of the study of history to the practice of design … For more content click the Read More button below. This course introduces you to the ways in which design artefacts are shaped by, and understood within, ranging historical frames and narratives. Through a series of tasks, you will explore the various trajectories of design history theory and, through applied academic research skills, demonstrate the contingency of historical understanding and knowledge in relation to design practice. You will interpret design objects, environments, processes and systems through visual analysis and employ your new skills to demonstrate your understanding of design history theory in relation to contemporary design practice. Your analysis will be supported through learning practical academic research skills, including the effective sourcing, attribution and critical analysis of research material. You will demonstrate oral, written and visual communication skills throughout each of these tasks.   

Course Outline

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Additional Information

This course is offered as General Education.

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