
The Tax Clinic run by the UNSW School of Taxation & Business Law is an experiential, Work Integrated Learning (WIL) course. Students will be given the opportunity to support unrepresented, lower income or vulnerable taxpayers and small businesses in managing their tax affairs. Through their work for disadvantaged clients on … For more content click the Read More button below. Comprising both a clinical component (one full day per week) and a skills-based webinar component (1.5 hours per fortnight), students will undertake work for real clients and have opportunities to analyse the effect of the tax system in practice. Working under the supervision of both a registered tax agent and an academic from the UNSW School of Taxation & Business Law, students will have hands-on experience designing and delivering community rights-based tax education initiatives, and assisting clients (under supervision) with correspondence and demands from the Australian Taxation Office (‘ATO’). The fortnightly webinars will provide opportunities for the development of professional skills (such as client interviewing skills), advancing their tax technical knowledge on hot topics, and allowing for discussion and analysis of students’ experiences.

Course Outline

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Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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