
Students in this course will gain knowledge in the technical and operational principles of emerging digital technologies and identify applications of emerging digital technologies in and for the design of the built environment. This course will give students the opportunity to familiarise themselves with two emerging digital technologies that can … For more content click the Read More button below. At present, the course offers the following four skills trajectories: ADVANCED DIGITAL FABRICATION; ROBOTICS; GAMING; AR&VR. Students need to choose TWO out of the four prior to their enrolment. Possible combinations are: ·        ADVANCED DIGITAL FABRICATION / ROBOTICS (Strong fabrication focus) ·        GAMING / AR&VR (Strong synthetic environments focus) ·        ADVANCED DIGITAL FABRICATION / AR&VR (Mixed focus leaning to Processes in Construction) ·        GAMING / ROBOTICS (Mixed focus leaning to Human / Machine Interaction) At the end of the course students can demonstrate skills in operating emerging digital technologies and apply emerging digital technologies in their own design projects and professional work.


Additional Information

This course is offered as General Education.

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