
Subject Area: Music Performance, Music Composition, Music Ensemble MUSC3706 Performance Laboratory C (Music Creative Practice & Music Pedagogy) is the third Performance Laboratory course for students enrolled in the Music Creative Practice and Music Pedagogy streams of the Bachelor of Music program. It consolidates the milestones achieved in earlier Performance … For more content click the Read More button below. Note: This is a 12 UOC course. You will enrol in 4 UOC in each of three successive terms with a result reported by a single grade at the end of the third 4 UOC course.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: MUSC2702 or MUSC2703 (12 uoc), and enrolment in a Music Creative Practice or Music Pedagogy stream in a Music program. Excluded: MUSC3701 and MUSC3704


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