
This Program covers study towards the PhD undertaken in Indigenous Studies offered by the Nura Gili Indigenous Programs Unit. Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study which engages, contests and builds on earlier understanding of Indigenous societies developed through the disciplines of anthropology, archaeology and linguistics and viewed through … For more content click the Read More button below. For details on the disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas of research which are offered for PhD supervision, visit the Nura Gili website. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is offered in all faculties of the University of New South Wales and encourages initiative and originality in research. Candidates should make a significant contribution to knowledge in their field. See UNSW Higher Degree Research Learning Outcomes. This program involves a minimum of three years full-time study. Students undertake supervised research leading to the production of the thesis. The length of a doctoral thesis normally should not exceed 100,000 words of text and should be submitted for examination within 4 years of full-time study.

Program Structure

Students must complete 144 UOC when taken as a standalone program.

Enrolment Disclaimer

Please note that this Handbook is a comprehensive catalogue of our offerings and includes courses that can be taken to satisfy program requirements irrespective as to their availability for a particular year. Availability of courses is best checked using filters on this site or on the class timetable site.

You are responsible for ensuring that you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and by following the advice of your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program requirements.

Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements

Minimum Entry Requirements

Program Requirements

Progression Requirements

For more information on university policy on progression requirements please visit Academic Progression

Associated Programs

Similar Program

Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1271 - Humanities
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1272 - Social Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1273 - Creative Practice

Additional Information

For further information on policies, procedures and forms, see the Graduate Research website.

For further information on research within Nura Gili, please see PhD by Research Nura Gili website.

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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