Available in Program(s)
Single degree program(s) in which this specialisation is available:

Master of Engineering Science - MEngSc8338 - Engineering Science
Master of Engineering Science - MEngSc8338 - Engineering Science

Specialisation Structure
96 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 96 UOC.

Research Core Courses

Students must take 18 UOC of the following courses.
Note: Students who have advanced standing for their undergraduate research project may substitute GSOE9220 Launching a Startup for GSOE9010.

Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge Electives

Students can take up to a maximum of 24 UOC of the following courses.

Disciplinary Knowledge Courses

Students must take at least 24 UOC, up to a maximum of 30 UOC of the following courses.

- Students without adequate background in Geomechanics must choose CVEN9525 Fundamentals of Geomechanics (6 UOC).
- Disciplinary Knowledge Courses can be substituted with Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge courses unless a specific course is prescribed in student's Offer Letter or is listed as a core component of the program.

Engineering & Technical Management (ETM) Courses

Students must take at least 6 UOC, up to a maximum of 24 UOC of the following courses.
Students may also choose remaining electives from another specialisation within the Master of Engineering Science program subject to meeting prior learning requirements.

Recommended ETM Courses

For the Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology specialisation the following Engineering and Technical management courses are recommended:- CVEN9701 Eng Economics & Financial Mngt (6 UOC)- CVEN9731 Project Management Framework (6 UOC)- CVEN9888 Environmental Management (6 UOC)- CVEN9892 Sustainability & Risk Analysis (6 UOC)

Additional Information

Exemptions or Advanced Standing

Exemptions and advanced standing rules for the stream follow the program rules. A student may apply for exemptions. Students with a four year honours degree (for example in Civil Engineering) may obtain a maximum of 48 UOC of exemptions. Full details are noted on the program 8338 handbook page.

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