Available in Program(s)
Single degree program(s) in which this specialisation is available:

Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science - GradDipEngSc5341 - Engineering Science

Specialisation Structure
48 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 48 UOC.

Engineering & Technical Management (ETM) Courses

Students can take up to a maximum of 12 UOC of the following courses.

For the Environmental Engineering specialisation the following elective courses are recommended:
- CVEN9701 Eng Economics & Financial Mngt (6 UOC)
- CVEN9731 Project Management Framework (6 UOC)
- CVEN9888 Environmental Management (6 UOC)
- CVEN9892 Sustainability Assessment (6 UOC)

In addition, students may select any ETM elective in the consolidated Faculty list with approval:

Additional Information

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

A student may apply to the Program or Stream Authority for advanced standing or exemption as per the UNSW RPL Policy and Procedures. Program or Stream Authorities may grant up to 24UOC of advanced standing or exemption if they consider the student has prior learning (formal, informal or non-formal) where it can be demonstrated that the student has achieved equivalent learning outcomes to the particular course(s). Application for advanced standing or exemption would require substantiating evidence including documents such as academic records, continuing professional education, professional registration and statements of service from the employer.

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)