Learning Outcomes
- Scholars
- Professionals
- Global citizens
- Professionals
- Scholars
- Global citizens
- Professionals
- Scholars
- Leaders
- Global citizens
- Global citizens
- Professionals
- Global citizens
- Leaders
- Professionals
- Leaders
- Global citizens
- Professionals
- Scholars
- Scholars
- Leaders
- Global citizens
- Leaders
- Professionals
- Global citizens
- Scholars
- Professionals
- Leaders
Program Structure
This program is only offered as part of the combined Bachelor of Exercise Science/Master of Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology double degree and is not available for direct entry.
Enrolment Disclaimer
You are responsible for ensuring that you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and by following the advice of your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program requirements.
Program Requirements
Participation and Enrolment Requirements
Compulsory Training Component
You will complete 1317 hours of placement throughout the program.
Placement sites will be allocated by UNSW and may include in metropolitan, regional and rural areas.
Progression Requirements
Students who do not meet progression requirements will be expected to meet with the Program Authority to develop an individual exit plan. Students who have met the requirements for the Bachelor of Exercise Science (3893) may transfer to this program to exit.
Students are permitted to attempt the same course a maximum of three times. A student who fails the same course for the third time will not be permitted to re-enrol.
For more information on university policy on progression requirements please visit Academic Progression
Associated Programs
Related Double Degree
Master of Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology - MPhysioExPhys3896 - Exercise Science / Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology
Professional Outcomes
Professional Recognition
Additional Information
This program is offered as a 5-year Bachelor of Exercise Science/ Master of Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology double-degree. A qualification will be awarded on completion of the 5-year program.
Program Fees
At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following: