
Please note: This program is part of a suite of postgraduate offerings offered by the School of Population Health.It is not available for direct entry. See Master of Public Health (Extension)/ Master of Health Leadership and Management (9056) for direct entryStudents currently enrolled in the Master of Public Health Extension)/ … For more content click the Read More button below. The Master of Public Health / Master of Health Leadership and Management (Extension) (MPH/MHLMext) dual extension program is an innovative and popular two-year postgraduate qualification. The program gives you the opportunity to extend your research capacity and the ability to undertake scholarly, evidence-based practice in health services while also developing knowledge and skills in public health and health leadership and management. Our dual MPH/MHLMext program fosters critically reflexive practice. Through a multi-disciplinary, problem-based approach, you will graduate with the skill and knowledge to improve public health outcomes and manage and improve health service systems across diverse settings. Learn the specialist knowledge and skills to recognise the relationships between public health and healthcare delivery, graduating with the capabilities to lead in increasingly complex and rapidly changing environments. The program includes core courses related to strategic planning, policy development, change management, quality enhancement, and decision-making, coupled with core public health skills in epidemiology, biostatistics, health promotion, health policy, planning and management and addressing challenges associated with the social determinants of health. The MPH/MHLMext combines two highly sought-after programs, with a research focused component. You will graduate work-ready with the knowledge, skills and attributes to carry out leadership and management role in population health, clinical settings and departmental health services. The research component supports scholarly, evidence-based professional practice in roles that involve developing, evaluating and undertaking research aimed at improving health service outcomes. Graduates typically find employment across a range of employers, including in government Ministries and Departments of Health, NGOs, primary care and community healthcare services, hospital settings in the public and private sectors in Australia.

Stand Alone Programs

Click on the link below to find out more about each individual program.

Double Degree Structure

Students must complete 96 UOC.

1. Compulsory courses - 48 UOC
2. Prescribed elective courses - 24 UOC
3. Extension research project and elective courses - 24 UOC

Specialisation Option
Academic Practice: International Students
Extension Project and Coursework Electives
Prescribed Electives

Enrolment Disclaimer

Please read the Double Degree Program rules as some specific rules apply to particular Double Degree combinations.

You are responsible for ensuring you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and advice from your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program.

Additional Information

Enrolments into 9057 are through 9056 Master of Public Health (Extension)/Master of Health Leadership and Management.

Students in 9056 Master of Public Health (Extension)/Master of Health Leadership and Management dual extension program can transfer to the associate single program Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, Masters, or Masters (Extension) programs or can request to transfer their extension component to the Master of Health Leadership and Management in accordance with the UNSW Academic Progression Procedure

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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