Sustainable Built Environment - 8132

Program Summary

Faculty: Built Environment

Contact: Built Environment

Campus: Sydney

Career: Postgraduate

Typical Duration: 1.5 Years  

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC For Award: 72


Master of Sustainable Built Environment

Program Description

The sustainability challenge of the 21st century has moved from sustainability education (i.e. awareness and information) to education for sustainability, i.e. how to make it happen. The Master of Sustainable Built Environment is structured around this approach.

Education for sustainability is about empowering professionals to take on the challenge, it is transformative rather than merely transmissive, it is holistic and driven by critical thinking, and ultimately is about becoming a champion for change. The task begins with ways of thinking as well as considering the differing value systems and cultures which influence the ways communities shape their built environments.

The Master of Sustainable Built Environment provides the opportunity to explore these challenges in depth and adapt them to the needs of diverse professional and cultural settings. This program takes a global view and places it in a local context. It is both academically interdisciplinary and linked to practical application in industry.

This program responds to the increasing demand for built environment and related professionals with the capacity to meet the growing challenges of sustainable development in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region and the expansion of specialised career opportunities in both the public and private sector. It provides evidence-based tools for thinking, analysis, synthesis and decision making to support the planning, design, construction and management of a sustainable built environment, from room to region.

Admission Requirements:
A minimum four year Bachelor degree or equivalent from a recognised tertiary institution in a relevant field such as the Built Environment disciplines or related areas such as environmental science or engineering is required for admission to the Masters Program. All applicants must have achieved a minimum of a credit average (equivalent to a WAM of 65 or above) in their Bachelor degree.

Where an applicant does not hold a four year Bachelor degree in one of the identified cognate disciplines, admission may be permitted in the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma with the possibility of progressing to the Masters Program subject to an average of Credit or better performance (a minimum WAM of 65) across the completed courses. Local and International students are eligible to apply. The program is particularly suited to professionals wanting to up skill after being in the field for several years.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

At the conclusion of this program students should be able to:
  1. Demonstrate an advanced and integrated understanding of concepts and principles of sustainability and their application in the built environment
  2. Apply research principles and methods applicable to sustainable development in local, national and international contexts
  3. Critically analyse, reflect on and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories and apply established theories to practice
  4. Justify, interpret and communicate knowledge, skills and ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences
  5. Apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner
  6. Demonstrate the qualities of an ethical practitioner
  7. Describe, explain and apply quantitative tools to implement and assess sustainability solutions
  8. Recognise and investigate how behaviours influence the sustainability of the built environment
  9. Demonstrate cultural awareness, environmental and social responsibility, and a respect for diversity
  10. Plan and execute a substantial research-based professionally-focused project in sustainable development (for students taking SUSD0015 Graduate Research Project)

Program Structure

The Master of Sustainable Built Environment is a one-and-a-half year full-time or three year part-time program which consists of four core courses totalling 24 units of credit (UOC), a 12 UOC design studio or a 12 UOC research project (final semester capstone courses), plus sufficient electives to make up a total of 72 UOC. Students selecting the research stream will need to enrol in the postgraduate research methods course BENV7020 Research Seminar (6 UOC). Students are required to choose a minimum of 12 UOC from the free electives set out in List A, and are encouraged to choose the remaining units of credit from the free electives set out in List B. List A includes Sustainable Built Environment electives. List B includes existing electives from FBE and other Faculties which cover topics broadly relevant to built environment sustainability, and/or which students have historically frequently chosen.

However, with agreement of the Program Director other suitable postgraduate electives may be selected from any UNSW Faculty, provided that the student meets any prerequisites set for the particular elective(s) they are selecting.

The schedule below is based on a full-time student commencing at the beginning of the year – please note that mid-year entry is also available.

Year 1
Semester 1
  • Electives (12UOC)

Semester 2
Option 1
Option 2
  • Electives (12 UOC)
Optional Summer Semester
  • Electives (up to 12 UOC)

Year 2
Semester 1

Option 1
  • Electives (12 UOC)

Option 2
  • Electives (12 UOC)
Note: SUSD0007 Integrated Design Studio is only offered in S1;
SUSD0015 Graduate Research Project is offered in both S1 and S2.

With permission from the Program Director, a student may enrol in both the design studio and research project.

Electives List A:

Electives List B:
Note: Some electives may not be offered every year, and the sequence of program study is governed by pre-requisites for some courses.

Academic Rules

Advanced Standing

Some advanced standing may be granted for completed or partially completed postgraduate awards from UNSW or from another institution. When considering the granting of advanced standing on the basis of previous postgraduate study at another institution, the program authority will take into account the quality of the institution and the quality, level and content of postgraduate courses previously undertaken.

Upgrading and Articulation

The Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters programs are fully articulated programs which allow for flexibility in course selection and progression. A postgraduate coursework student enrolled in an articulated program may apply to progress from the Graduate Certificate through to Masters level with full credit for courses completed with a minimum 65 WAM in earlier programs in the sequence.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:  UNSW Fee Website.

Area(s) of Specialisation