
Students who have completed COMP9991 in their penultimate term of study in MIT (8543) and achieved a mark of at least 75 have the option to, in their last term of study, complete COMP9992. Unless they scored at least 85 in COMP9991, they do not have the option to select … For more content click the Read More button below. COMP9992 is expected to require a workload that is roughly equivalent to that of one standard course, but a research project being more open ended and tackled by very motivated students, it might turn out to be more time consuming. Meeting the expectations of COMP9991 + COMP9992, or even better, exceeding them with a piece of work that can result in a conference or journal publication, can make applications for a research degree stronger. COMP9991 has also been appealing to students who wanted to modestly improve on the state of the art in a particular discipline and be exposed to the various aspects of conducting research, working on a specific problem; COMP9992 completes that journey.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: COMP9991

Additional Enrolment Constraints

Achieve a mark of at least 75 in COMP9991


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)


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