
This course provides students with an opportunity to develop an understanding of the processes and practices associated with the requirements engineering and business analysis disciplines. The course also introduces tools commonly used in requirements practice and details how business analysis and requirements engineering coexist with other disciplines (particularly systems engineering … For more content click the Read More button below. The complete and accurate definition of system requirements is a primary focus of the early systems engineering effort. The life cycle of a system begins with a mission statement, which is translated into a large number of statements of requirement that form the basis for the logical (functional) design and subsequently the physical architecture. These transitions must be managed by a rigorous process that guarantees that all relevant requirements are included (and all irrelevant requirements excluded). The establishment of correct requirements is fundamental to the success of projects. Once requirements have been collected, requirements practice then focuses on the management of these requirements from the system level right down to the lowest constituent component. This process involves elicitation, analysis, definition and validation of system requirements.


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