Universal human rights have become one of the most powerful legal and political instruments of our time but many of their founding presuppositions still remain unquestioned. This course is all about posing questions of human rights. In the process we will come to a better understanding of the limits and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Main Topics
Introduction: Human Rights TodayA Brief History of HR: Natural Rights, Revolutionary Declarations, Post-WWII Global InstrumentsNormative Philosophical Justifications for HRClassical Critiques: Bentham, Marx and BurkeThe Refugee and the Nation-State: Arendt and AgambenHuman Rights and Biopolitics: Foucault and AgambenFeminist Critiques of HRCritical Race and Post-colonial Critiques of HRTheorizing Contemporary Political Deployments of HRFutures of Human Rights?
Conditions for Enrolment
Prerequisite: Any of Legal Theory (JURD7223/JURD7431), Law and Social Theory (JURD7222/JURD7632) or Theories of Law and Justice (JURD7236/JURD7336) and completion of 72 UOC of JURD courses.
Course Attributes
Offered irregularly or alternate years
In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)
Pre-2019 Handbook Editions
Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)