
Penology is an advanced socio-legal, research-based elective involving a study of the field of penality. It should be attractive to advanced level students looking for a research- based elective which enables you to hone research and writing skills and develop theoretical, legal, policy and presentational skills in a collegial, interactive … For more content click the Read More button below. Main Topics The colonial context of punishment in Australia.The phenomenon of mass imprisonment.The "new punitiveness", sentencing and parole.The courts, the law and prisoners rights.Indigenous imprisonment.Women's imprisonment.Immigration detention.Prison privatisation. A visit to a prison or the parole authority may be organised if possible.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: Completion of 72 UOC of JURD courses including Criminal Laws (JURD7122).
Co-requisite: RCD (JURD7271)

Course Attributes

Offered irregularly or alternate years


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)