
This course introduces the student to the terminology, principles and methods used in refrigeration and air conditioning. The aim of this course is to take your knowledge of thermodynamics further, and in a much more general fashion, than you obtained in your first course in thermodynamics. In particular, to extend … For more content click the Read More button below. The term air conditioning implies the creation and maintenance of an atmosphere having such conditions of: (i) temperature, (ii) humidity, (iii) air circulation and (iv) air purity, as to produce the desired effects upon the occupants or materials (or both) in a given space. It is the simultaneous control of all these four factors within required limits which defines an air conditioning system.Refrigeration is the control of the environment, e.g. air conditioning, cold room, refrigerators, display cabinets etc., and involves the use of refrigeration in one form or another.


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