Identifying a problem, selecting the appropriate methods to investigate a problem, and testing the efficacy and effectiveness of a potential solution in partnership with the end-users are all critical skills required in health practice and in careers in non-health sectors. In this course, you will continue to develop your knowledge … For more content click the Read More button below.
This course introduces concepts of research co-design, de-colonising research methods and includes non-traditional ways of conducting research where you will learn how incorporating Indigenous and other methods of knowing and thinking can positively impact on your ability to understand a problem and develop ethical, sustainable and effective solutions.
This course has 2 streams: General and Research Intensive. Students who are completing a research project later in the year will complete the Research Intensive stream. All other students will complete the General stream. This course includes a 2-week intensive in Weeks 0 and 1.
General stream
In small teams, students in the general stream will choose a research problem to investigate, and with guidance, select and apply tools and methodologies to produce a group research protocol. Pharmacy students must select a research problem related to Quality Use of Medicine (QUM) or Drug Use Evaluation (DUE). For all other students in this stream, you may organise yourselves into and select a profession-specific or interprofessional team and research problem.
Research Intensive stream
Students completing the Research Intensive stream will work individually on a problem that will form their research project in Terms 2 and 3. Details regarding your research project will be provided to you by your Program Authority. In this course, you will learn how to approach investigating your assigned research problem, including how to apply tools and methodologies relevant at each step, culminating in a draft research protocol at the end of the course. You will then use the research protocol to inform your research project in subsequent terms.
In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)
Pre-2019 Handbook Editions
Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)