This course is the first of two parts and is undertaken prior to CVEN9952 Extension Masters Thesis B. Successful completion of Parts A and B are required to obtain the equivalent of 24 UOC Extension Masters Thesis within the 8539 program. Admission to CVEN9951 and CVEN9952 only with permission of … For more content click the Read More button below.
An Extension Masters Thesis project involves an idenpendent investigation at an advanced level by the student and may include research, design, feasibility or other analysis requiring integration of knowledge and evaluation across a range of topics in the area of specialisation. Work based projects are encouraged for practising engineers provided they meet the requirements of advanced independent study. Work based projects must be approved by the program authority prior to commencement of the project. Part A involves the satisfactory formulation of the project, completion of a significant part of the research and the development of the Project and thesis outline which is to be eventually submitted the following semester within CVEN9952 Extension Masters Thesis B.
Course Outline
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