
Intellectual property is one of the most dynamic areas of the law. In this century it has become a field of major economic and social importance. At the same time, it has had to respond to a range of issues, for example the challenges posed by digitisation of copyright materials, … For more content click the Read More button below. The purpose of this course is to examine in detail some of these specific, advanced issues. Thus, rather than focusing on general principles, in this course we will look at particular topics that are the subject of current controversy. The focus of this course will be on Australian law, although developments abroad will be considered in some detail. Main Topics The topics may change depending on current controversies, but are likely to include: Moral rights and artists' resale rightsReform of copyright exceptionsOnline copyright infringement, the role of ISPs and website blocking proceduresControversies over patentable subject matter: business methods, software, and human genetic materialThe scope of trade mark lawProtecting geographical indications in local and international tradeProtecting privacy and publicityAmbush marketing legislationInnovation and competition policyChallenges to intellectual property

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: Academic Program must be either 9200 or 9201 or 9231.

Course Outline

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Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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