
Advanced Research Thesis is a research-based course that provides an opportunity for students to bring together engineering principles learned through academic study and professional experience at an advanced level. Students apply these principles to innovatively solve problems such as the development of a specific design, process and/or the investigation of … For more content click the Read More button below. The project a student undertakes must be a complex, open-ended problem that allows room for creativity, and the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of results. There must be multiple possible solutions or conclusions at the outset and sufficient complexity to require a degree of project planning from the student. The thesis requires the student to become critically conversant in the academic and professional literature on a particular topic, formulate problems in engineering terms, manage an engineering project and find solutions by applying engineering methods. Students are expected to understand how their project fits within the discipline and broader societal context. Students also develop their ability to work in a research and development environment. You must identify a supervisor and project prior to enrolling in this course. This is the first course of the three course thesis structure.

Course Outline

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