Law - 4701

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law


Campus: Sydney

Career: Undergraduate

Typical Duration: 3 Years

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 27

Min UOC For Award: 144

International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements

Program Description

Please note: This Program is not available for enrolment. The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) cannot be studied as a single stand alone degree.

The LLB must be studied with another degree. The information on this page outlines the academic requirements for completion of the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) when taken as a Dual Law degree at UNSW.

The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) is an undergraduate law degree that is recognised as satisfying the academic requirements for admission as a legal practitioner in NSW. The degree is only offered in combination with another approved undergraduate degree (dual award mode).

The discipline-specific (depth) component of the LLB consists of 144 Units of Credit (UOC) of Law courses through such compulsory, prescribed electives and free electives as set out below.

The breath component of the program is achieved by satisfactory completion of the second program undertaken in the dual award mode. Dual award LLB students are not required to do General Education courses.

Students cannot transfer from a dual award enrolment to single degree enrolment in the LLB. Transfer from concurrent dual award enrolment to the single enrolment in the non-Law program may be available, subject to the rules of that program.


This program is offered in dual award mode only; students complete a program leading to the award of Bachelor of Laws (LLB) together with another degree. Please refer to the following list:

Dual Award Programs

(a) Art Theory / Law Bachelor Degree (4703)
(b) Arts / Law Bachelor Degree (4760)
(c) Commerce / Law Bachelor Degree (4733)
(d) Computer Science / Law Bachelor Degree (3984)
(e) Criminology & Criminal Justice / Law Bachelor Degree (4763)
(f) Economics / Law Bachelor Degree (4744)
(g) Engineering / Law Bachelor Degree (4778)
(h) Fine Arts / Law Bachelor Degree (4704)
(i) International Studies / Law Bachelor Degree (4765)
(j) Media / Law Bachelor Degree (4781)
(k) Planning / Law Bachelor Degree (4707)
(l) Science (Advanced Maths) / Law Bachelor Degree (3998)
(m) Science (Advanced) / Law Bachelor Degree (3997)
(n) Science / Law Bachelor Degree (4770)
(o) Social Research & Policy / Law Bachelor Degree (4771)
(p) Social Work / Law Bachelor Degree (4786)

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

The UNSW School of Law instils in students the understandings, values, skills and qualities necessary to become highly qualified professionals with a strong sense of citizenship, community and social justice.

A legal education at the UNSW Law, develops graduates who have:


Graduates of UNSW Law will understand and appreciate
  1. Legal knowledge in its broader contexts
  2. Indigenous legal issues
  3. Principles of justice and the rule of law
Analytical Skills

Graduates of UNSW Law will have developed the skills of:
  1. Statutory interpretation and analysis
  2. Legal reasoning
  3. Legal research and writing
  4. Reform-oriented analysis of law and policy
  5. Application of interdisciplinary perspectives to legal issues
Professional Skills

Graduates of UNSW Law are professionals with:
  1. Communication skills
  2. Interpersonal skills
  3. Professional and ethical dispositions and values
  4. Capacities for self-management
UNSW has articulated Graduate Attributes as desired learning outcomes for ALL UNSW students. These include developing graduates who are rigorous scholars, capable of leadership and professional practice in a global community. Further information about the UNSW Graduate Attributes can be found here

Program Structure

Total Unit Requirements for the Bachelor of Law (LLB):
  • Law compulsory courses - 96 UOC
  • Law prescribed electives - 6 UOC
  • Law free electives - 42 UOC
  • Total 144 UOC
Law Approved Sequence

There is no assumed knowledge requirement for entry to Faculty of Law courses but students must study law courses in an approved sequence. Other sequences may be approved in special circumstances.

Compulsory Courses (Total Units - 96 UOC)
Prescribed Electives (Total Units - 6 UOC from one of the following)
Free Electives

All Free Electives must be taken from an approved list of LAWS courses. Approximately 25-30 electives are made available each session. The number of students that may take an elective may be limited.

Currently those Electives include:
Legal Research and Writing Program

This is a compulsory series of modules which provide training in essential and advanced legal research and in developing writing skills for legal and non-legal audiences. It is assessed in a formative manner and through summative assessment linked to compulsory courses. There are no additional UOC awarded for completion of this program.


Rules for the award of Honours in the Bachelor of Laws
Honours in Law is based on academic excellence throughout the degree. There are three criteria relevant for awarding Honours:
  • Honours Weighted Average Mark (WAM) - Honours WAM will be calculated using the WAM from core courses as 60 percent of the Honours WAM and the WAM from the prescribed elective courses as 40 percent of Honours WAM.
  • Satisfactory performance in written research - To demonstrate satisfactory performance in written research, a student must complete either a research thesis (6 UOC or above) or three shorter research based assessment tasks (i.e. 3000 words or more) in their program that is awarded a credit or more.
  • Not been found guilty of plagiarism or serious misconduct on more than one occasion and not more than one failure in the law program.
Honours will be awarded in the LLB in the following classes: Honours Class 1; Honours Class 2, Division 1; and Honours Class 2, Division 2.

Please note the honours policy is currently being reviewed. Please visit the Honours website for further information

Medallist Requirements
The recommended student for University Medal is expected to have maintained Good Standing throughout their UG career and usually rank the highest amongst their graduating cohort.
In addition to that, the recommended Medallist will be compared in different categories with other students attaining Honours Class 1, or otherwise in the top 10% of students in the same cohort to identify the best/top student based on each category.

These categories of comparison include:
  • WAM for Law Honours (weighting - 60core : 40elective)
  • WAM for all LAWS courses
  • WAM for LAWS core courses and LAWS prescribed elective
  • WAM for LAWS elective courses
  • WAM for best 4 LAWS elective courses
  • WAM for best 19 LAWS courses
  • WAM for all LAWS courses minus two lowest mark
NOTE: Students may become eligible to attain Honours in their non-Law dual award program. Rules relating to Honours in that program will be found in the program's Handbook entry. UNSW program rules also require that:
  1. The student must have completed the disciplinary core of the program in which they wish to undertake the Honours year;
  2. The conditions for entry into the specific Honours program have been met and students are accepted into the program [or Honours component of the program]; and
  3. A minimum total of at least 144 UOC in both programs overall has been completed.
Students do not have to complete all Law program requirements before undertaking Honours in the other program.
Students enrolled in a dual award may meet requirements for the award of Honours in each degree.

Academic Rules

1. The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) may be conferred on the completion of any of the dual award programs set out in paragraphs (a) to (p) below:

Dual Award Programs

(a) Art Theory / Law Bachelor Degree (4703)
(b) Arts / Law Bachelor Degree (4760)
(c) Commerce / Law Bachelor Degree (4733)
(d) Computer Science / Law Bachelor Degree (3984)
(e) Criminology & Criminal Justice / Law Bachelor Degree (4763)
(f) Economics / Law Bachelor Degree (4744)
(g) Engineering / Law Bachelor Degree (4778)
(h) Fine Arts / Law Bachelor Degree (4704)
(i) International Studies / Law Bachelor Degree (4765)
(j) Media / Law Bachelor Degree (4781)
(k) Planning / Law Bachelor Degree (4707)
(l) Science (Advanced Maths) / Law Bachelor Degree (3998)
(m) Science (Advanced) / Law Bachelor Degree (3997)
(n) Science / Law Bachelor Degree (4770)
(o) Social Research & Policy / Law Bachelor Degree (4771)
(p) Social Work / Law Bachelor Degree (4786)

2. The programs set out in paragraphs (a) to (p) of subrule (1) hereof are referred to in these Rules as 'dual award programs', and shall be programs of full-time study of not less than five years' duration.

3. No person shall be permitted to enrol in any program in UNSW Law at the same time as he or she is enrolled for any other degree or diploma in the University or elsewhere, except as may be necessary to complete the requirements of a dual award program approved by the Faculty, or otherwise with the approval of the Faculty.

4. Where, in these Rules, reference is made to the requirement that a candidate shall complete a program, the requirement shall be construed as meaning that the candidate shall:

(1) Attend such lectures, seminars, tutorials or other classes, and such court sessions, offices or institutions as may be prescribed in that program, and maintain a satisfactory standard of preparation for and participation in such classes and activities;

(2) Perform satisfactorily in such exercises, essays, theses and other work (whether written, oral or practical) as may be prescribed in that program and undertake any prescribed reading related to that program; and

(3) Attain a satisfactory standard in the examination or examinations, and such other means of assessment of a candidate's results in that program as the Faculty may prescribe.

5. UNSW Law shall specify a number of units of credit in respect of each Law course for which credit is given in the award of the degree Bachelor of Laws as part of a dual award program. On completion of the course, a candidate shall be credited with the specified number of points.

6. In the case of the Bachelor of Laws degree program credit shall be given for the courses set out in the following table, each of which shall, unless otherwise determined by the Faculty, carry the number of units of credit (if any) specified.

(1) Compulsory Courses (Total Units - 96 UOC)
  • LAWS1052 Introducing Law & Justice (6 UOC)
  • LAWS1061 Torts (6 UOC)
  • LAWS1021 Crime and the Criminal Process (6 UOC)
  • LAWS1022 Criminal Laws (6 UOC)
  • LAWS1141 Principles of Public Law (6 UOC)
  • LAWS1150 Principles of Private Law (6 UOC)
  • LAWS1075 Contracts (6 UOC)
  • LAWS1160 Administrative Law (6 UOC)
  • LAWS1230 Lawyers, Ethics and Justice (6 UOC)
  • LAWS2385 Equity and Trusts (6 UOC)
  • LAWS2383 Land Law (6 UOC)
  • LAWS2150 Federal Constitutional Law (6 UOC)
  • LAWS2371 Resolving Civil Disputes (6 UOC)
  • LAWS2351 Court Process, Evidence and Proof (6 UOC)
  • LAWS1091 Business Associations (6 UOC)
  • LAWS2270 Law in the Global Context (6 UOC)
(2) Prescribed Electives (Total units - 6 UOC from one of the following)
  • LAWS2326 Theories of Law and Justice; or
  • LAWS2320 Legal Theory; or
  • LAWS2820 Law and Social Theory
(3) Elective Courses

Approximately 25-30 electives are made available each semester. The number of students that may take an elective may be limited.

All free electives must be taken from an approved list of LAWS courses. For all current electives, please refer to the full list of free electives above in the Program Structure.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:
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