Civil Engineering - 3620 |
Civil Engineering is responsible for projects that enhance the overall quality of life. Civil engineers design, construct, manage, operate and maintain the infrastructure that supports modern society including buildings, bridges, roads and highways, tunnels, airfields, dams, ports and harbours, railways, new mines, water supply and sewerage schemes, irrigation systems and flood mitigation works. The profession is very broad and affords opportunities for involvement in many specialist activities.
In the final year of the Civil Engineering program students may choose electives in structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transport engineering, water engineering or engineering construction and management. This program can be taken on a four-year full-time basis, or on a part-time basis subject to the approval of the Head of School. Intending part-time students are advised that all courses are offered only in the daytime. Note: Civil Engineering is also available as a component of the dual degree programs
BE(Civil Eng)/BE (Mining Eng)program 3146, BE (Civil Eng)/BE ( Env Eng)program 3631, BE (Civil Eng)/BAprogram 3704, BE (Civil Eng)/BScprogram3730, BE (Civl Eng)/BComprogram3715, BE (Civil Eng)/LLBprogram 4778, For details of all academic requirements for this program, see Please see Rules
Please see Rules
The program structure below gives one sequence of courses that fulfils the requirements of the degree. The timing of the general education courses and elective courses may be modified to optimize the student's choice of courses. Suggestions for other course sequences consistent with timetabling and availability can be found on the School website at http://www.civeng.unsw.edu.au. Generally courses are offered only once a year. In addition, courses may have prerequisites and exclusions. Thus, students should plan their enrolments carefully.
Year 1 Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
Plus these following 3 courses:
Plus choose 2 electives from the Year 1 Elective List Electives
Suggested Year 1 electives for this program are:
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
Plus the following courses:
Professional Electives Year 4
PLEASE NOTE: Not all electives are offered each year. Students should check with the School Office. Not more than two Professional Elective Courses can be chosen from any one discipline area. Engineering Construction and Management:
Geotechnical Engineering:
Structural Engineering:
Transport Engineering:
Water Engineering:
Please see Rules
Please see Rules
Please see Rules
For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website: https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/fees/FeesMainPage.html
Please see Rules
Information regarding recommended computing equipment for the programs offered by the School is available from the School Office.
The BE in Civil Engineering is fully accredited by the Institution of Engineers, Australia, meeting the examination requirements for admission to graduate and corporate membership of the Institution. Substantial or complete recognition is accorded to the BE programs by overseas engineering institutions.
Area(s) of Specialisation |