Economics - 3543

Program Summary

Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 3 Years
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 3
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 144
Bachelor of Economics (Double Major)
Bachelor of Economics (Honours)
Bachelor of Economics (Major)

Program Description

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If you are a current student, this new program structure does not apply to you. You should always follow the program requirements according to the year you started your degree. For more information please visit Previous UNSW Online Handbooks.

The Bachelor of Economics (BEc) is a highly regarded professional qualification allowing graduates access to an enormously diverse range of occupations. Our graduates work as professional economists and can be found in leading government and international agencies, private firms and consultancies.

Graduates who combine economics with other disciplines, such as accounting, finance or marketing, often work as professionals in those fields, with the economics training providing a highly valued understanding of the business environment.

More broadly, graduates develop analytical skills which have wide applications in business, finance and policy. The knowledge obtained from the degree also enables graduates to become economically literate, with an in-depth understanding of local and world economic issues.

The first year of study provides students with an introduction to economics, along with the foundations of mathematical and statistical analysis for business. Throughout the degree there is an emphasis on applications to contemporary business and economic issues.

The first year of study also allows students to choose the right economics major to suit their interests and career goals. Students have the option to take a second major in economics or to choose from one of the commerce majors (such as accounting or finance) or from modern languages.

For detailed information on the professional recognition this degree offers please visit Professional Recognition of Programs in the UNSW Online Handbook.

From 2010 it is also possible to choose a major in mathematics or statistics, in recognition of the increasingly quantitative nature of modern business and policy contexts. In addition, there is the option to take a number of courses from a faculty other than the Australian School of Business, such as the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. This option provides students with a broader breadth and perspective in their knowledge and learning.

Program benefits:
  • Highly regarded by industry and government
  • Prepares graduates academically, technically and professionally, providing a solid grounding in modern economics analysis
  • Deals with important issues, such as why some countries grow rich and some remain poor, global interactions of nations, the role and impact of economic policy and regulation, unemployment, inflation, property and wealth, firm organisation and competition, decision making and strategic behaviour

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the BEc, students will have the ability to:
  • demonstrate understanding and application of economic concepts and processes
  • demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • understand, analyse and use quantitative data to assist in making economic and business decisions
  • present complex issues in coherent written statements and oral presentations
  • demonstrate understanding of the global economic context in which business and governments operate
  • understand the social and ethical dimensions in their chosen disciplinary areas

Program Structure

If you are a current student, this new program structure does not apply to you. You should always follow the program requirements according to the year you started your degree. For more information please visit Previous UNSW Online Handbooks.

Studies leading to the award of the Bachelor of Economics degree normally consist of 144 UOC or 24 courses to be completed over 3 academic years.

These UOC need to be made up of:
  • Compulsory first year core courses
  • Major requirements
  • General Education courses
  • Free options
Compulsory first year core courses account for 36 UOC (6 courses)
Please note: For students intending to complete a major in Mathematics or Statistics, MATH1131 or MATH1141 AND MATH1231 or MATH1241 should be completed instead of ECON1202 and ECON1203.

Major requirements can be met by either taking a Single Major or a Double Major.

Single Major. This requires students to take a single major in Economics, Econometrics or Financial Economics consisting of 8 Level 2 and 3 courses (48UOC), in addition to the compulsory first year core courses. Students must complete at least three (3) Level 2 courses(courses numbered 2XXXX) and at least three (3) level 3 courses (numbered 3XXX). Students may take a minor if desired.

A minor consists of 4 courses (24 UOC) and must contain at least one course (6 UOC) at Level 3. The minor does not form part of the nominated major.

Double Major. Students can EITHER: take two of the Economics, Econometrics or Financial Economics majors, each requiring 6 Level 2 and 3 courses (36 UOC) in addition to the compulsory first year core courses. Each major requires 3 Level 2 and 3 Level 3 courses to be completed.
OR, students can take one of the Economics, Econometrics or Financial Economics majors AND a second major from one of the other approved disciplinary streams. In the latter case, the second major consists of from 5-8 Level 2 and Level 3 courses plus required Level 1 courses. The rules for that second major may require 2 or 3 Level 3 courses. Students should note that the second major may also have some required Level 1 courses so this should be a consideration in selecting additional courses to be taken in your first year of study: refer to specific rules for majors of interest.

General Education requirements accounts for 12 UOC (2 - 4 courses) to be taken outside the Australian School of Business. These courses allow you to select either courses that were developed especially for the General Education Program (beginning with GEN) or to choose 'mainstream' courses that are offered in the degree programs of other faculties.

Free Options account for the balance of the degree requirements. Two free options (12 UOC) may be taken from other faculties within UNSW. Any additional courses must be taken from those offered by the Australian School of Business.

The combination of the General Education requirements and the additional provision for two free options to be taken from other faculties within UNSW means that students may take up to four courses (24 UOC) from other faculties within UNSW.

Sample Program

Program requirements 24 courses (144 UOC)
Six (6) core Level 1 Courses (36 UOC)
Optional  Level 1 Courses (refer F) AND/OR required Level 1 courses for Minor or Second  Major  (refer C)
Single Major Double Major
Single Economic Major Minor (optional) 1st (Economic) Major 2nd Major
0-2 Level 1 courses for a minor (0-12 UOC) Refer to specific rules of minor.
0-2 Level 1 courses for a second major (0-12 UOC) Refer to specific rules of major.
D 8 Level 2 and Level 3 courses for chosen economics major (48 UOC). 2-4 Level 2 and 3 courses for a minor (12- 24 UOC), including at least one Level 3 course Refer to specific rules of minor.
6 Level 2 and Level 3 courses for chosen economics major (36 UOC).
5-8 Level 2 and Level 3 courses for a 2nd major (30-48 UOC) Refer to specific rules of major.
General Education (12 UOC). Courses to be taken from faculties outside the ASB.
Free Options for balance of courses required, subject to maximum of 10 Level 1 courses (60 UOC) in the degree program and requirement for at least 4 Level 3 courses (24 UOC) in the degree program. Students may take 2 free options (12 UOC) from another UNSW Faculty but all other free options must be taken from courses offered by the Australian School of Business.

General Education Requirements

Students in this program must complete 12 UOC in General Education courses or their equivalent (unless otherwise entitled to exemption). For further information about General Education Requirements please refer to the UNSW Online Handbook.

Please note that students enrolled in programs within the Australian School of Business cannot take General Education courses offered by the Business School. These restrictions also apply to the following courses:
  • GENL2015 The World of Work
  • GENL2020 An Introduction to the Australian Legal System
  • GENL2021 An Introduction to the Australian Legal System
  • GENL2031 Cyberspace Law
  • GENL5020 Business Fundamentals
  • GENL5021 Business Law Basics
  • GENL5030 Understanding Tax
  • GENL5031 Tax for Professionals
If students are unsure of their General Education Requirements they should contact the Australian School of Business Student Centre (Ground floor, West entrance, Australian School of Business building)


Students interested in studying at Honours Level should refer to the relevant Honours plan record for entry requirements.

Academic Rules

Please refer to the Program Structure for the academic requirements relating to this program.
Rules relating to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Commerce shall apply wherever relevant.
Students are advised to consult the Academic Rules for further information.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Professional Recognition

For further information, refer to the Professional Recognition of Programs in the UNSW Online Handbook.

Further Information

Please note that these requirements may be subject to change. Students should always follow the program requirements according to the year they started their degree. For more information please visit Previous UNSW Online Handbooks

Contact the Australian School of Business Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Ground Floor, West Wing, Australian School of Business Building
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