Commerce/Science - 3529 |
A combined Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science (BCom/BSc) degree provides the latest thinking in business and technology for today and the future. It offers excellent career options, equipping graduates with unique skill sets that can lead to a wide range of career opportunities. Whether you want to focus your career on science and also want the commercial skills that a business degree can give you, or you want a career in business with the added dimension of a science degree, then this combined degree gives you the flexibility to choose a program to meet your needs. For detailed information on the professional recognition this degree offers please visit Professional Recognition of Programs in the UNSW Online Handbook.
The objective of the BCom is to develop students’:
The Bachelor of Science has been designed to:
Studies leading to the award of the Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science degree normally consists of 192 UOC or 32 courses to be completed over 4 academic years (15 Australian School of Business courses (90 UOC) and 14 Science courses (84 UOC). These UOC need to be made up of:
Compulsory core courses account for 18 UOC (3 courses)
First year mathematics course
Core statistics course
or alternatives statistics courses approved by the program advisor.
Please note: For students intending to complete a major in Actuarial Studies, MATH1151 and MATH1251 should be completed. Please refer to Actuarial Studies outline for further information. Students wishing to complete Advanced Science or Mathematics are strongly encouraged to seek advice on the most appropriate statistics course for their program. Flexible core courses account for 24 UOC (4 courses). Students should choose four courses from the following list:
Please note: For students intending to complete a major in Actuarial Studies, ACTL1001 Actuarial Studies and Commerce must be completed as one of these flexible core courses. Please refer to Actuarial Studies outline for further information.
Major requirements account for up to 156 UOC (26 courses) A single major within the Australian School of Business consisting of 48 UOC, which includes 42 UOC in an approved disciplinary stream and 6 UOC from the core requirements. Students are unable to take a modern language as a major stream. The remaining Business course or credit requirements not required for a major sequence and not core courses, as prescribed, if any, may be chosen from any other courses offered by the Australian School of Business. Please refer to the majors available in Table A Students may choose Information Systems as a major in the BCom component only. In selecting their combination of majors, students should note that while there is a wide range of choice, not every combination can be completed in 4 years of full-time study. All students in the combined degree program should complete at least 12 UOC (2 courses) from Australian School of Business and at least 12 UOC (2 courses) from an approved Science program within the first 2 semesters of full-time enrolment (or within the first 48 UOC of courses completed). Within the first 4 semesters of full-time study (or the first 96 UOC completed), all students should complete 36 UOC of courses from an approved Science program and 36 UOC of courses taught by the Australian School of Business, including compulsory courses listed.
*Number of free options may vary depending on major combination undertaken. Please contact the Australian School of Business Student Centre for further information.
Students interested in studying at Honours Level should refer to the relevant Honours plan record for entry requirements.
Candidates for Honours in the Science component of the combined degree program will need to consult the Head of the School in which they wish to undertake Honours prior to their third year of study. Rules relating to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Commerce shall apply wherever relevant. Students are advised to consult the Academic Rules for further information.
For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website: https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/fees/FeesMainPage.html
For further information, refer to the Professional Recognition of Programs in the UNSW Online Handbook.
Please note that these requirements may be subject to change. Students should always follow the program requirements according to the year they started their degree. For more information please visit Previous UNSW Online Handbooks.
If students are unsure of the program requirements they should contact the relevant Faculty Office Australian School of Business Student Centre tel: + 61 2 9385 3189 location: Ground Floor, West Wing, Australian School of Business Building Forms, policies and procedures Frequently asked questions Faculty of Science e-mail: sso@unsw.edu.au tel: + 61 2 9385 6125 / 9385 7788 location: Robert Webster Building, Room 128 Area(s) of Specialisation