Nanotechnology - 3617 |
The program offers a comprehensive education in the emerging field of Nanotechnology, which represents an important development in the evolution of scientific understanding, with profound implications for the new economy.
Nanotechnology provides the potential to create new manufacturing sectors from our ability to observe, characterise and manipulate the atomic and molecular structure of materials which form the basis of the bio-, communications, information and environmental technologies. Graduates may expect to find employment in new, high-technology companies which seek to harness the remarkable properties of materials in a nanostructural form. However, the multidisciplinary nature of this degree provides graduates with very marketable skills in more traditional science-based industries. Graduates would also be well-qualified to take higher research degrees. This program leads to the award of a Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology over four years of full-time study, with Honours for students who perform with merit. At present, the principal entry point into this degree is at Stage 1 level. Students are normally expected to complete each stage before proceeding to the next stage. A total of 192 units of credit (UOC) must be completed for the award of this degree.
On completion of this program, students will have attained a comprehensive knowledge base in the field of nanotechnology.
Stage 1
Plus ONE course from EACH of the following pairs of courses:
Stage 2
Plus one course from
Stage 3
Stage 4
Note: MATS1223 - Corrosion Control (3 UOC) can be taken in Stage 3 or 4
Students in this program must satisfy the University's General Education requirements. For further information, please refer to General Education in the Table of Contents (see left-hand side of this page).
See Program Structure above.
For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website: https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/fees/FeesMainPage.html
Area(s) of Specialisation |