Business Info Technology - 3971

Program Summary

Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 4 Years
Typical UOC Per Session: 24
Min UOC Per Session: 3
Max UOC Per Session: 24
Min UOC For Award: 192
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Major)

Program Description

This Program is available only to students admitted through the scholarship selection procedures administered by the UNSW Co-op Program office. The BSc (BIT) is a four year degree program for which honours may be awarded. It is an industry linked education program leading to the award of the qualification Bachelor of Science (Business Information Technology). The program draws on three core disciplinary areas: Information Systems, Accounting and Computer Science.
The BIT program has been designed in conjunction with Information Systems and Information Technology industry professionals to provide for the needs of Australian businesses. The program combines the requirements for the award of the degree with 18 months of coordinated industrial experience at three different sponsoring organisations (24 weeks at each). Industrial Training extends outside university sessions. A scholarship is payable from funds donated by the sponsoring organisations. Entry to the program is limited to students awarded a scholarship through the BIT selection procedures.

Consideration for entry to the course may proceed only on the basis of an application directly to Co-Op program Office at the University of New South Wales and application through UAC.

Students who are academically acceptable for the BIT Degree Program, but who are not offered a scholarship position, should consider registering for first Stage entry into the BSc (IS) 3979 program. If BIT Scholarships become available at the end of stage 1, students undertaking the BSc (IS) 3979 program may be offered an interview and a transfer into the BSc (BIT) 3971 co-operative Scholarship Degree Program.

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes

This four Stage course teaches Information Systems Theory and Practice and provides industrial training linked to that teaching. The three industrial training periods in the course are each of approximately six months duration, running from January of Stages 2 and 4, and July of Stage 3 of the program.

Program Structure

Year 1
And ONE of:
And ONE of:

Year 2
  • 1 General Education elective totalling 6 units of credit
  • 1 Elective course totalling 6 units of credit
1 Commerce Elective course totalling 6 units of credit from one of the following:

Year 3
  • 1 Elective from Table 2 totalling 6 units of credit
  • 1 General Education elective totalling 6 units of credit

Year 4
Honours Options totalling 12 units of credit from Table 3

Table 1 INFS Electives:

Table 2 Level 4 Options:

General Education Requirements

Students in this program must also satisfy the General Education requirements.
This is usually 12 UOC taken in second and third year studies.
For further information, please refer to "General Education" in the Table of Contents (see left-hand side of page).

Please note that students enrolled in programs within the Faculty of Commerce and Economics cannot take General Education courses offered by that Faculty.

Academic Rules

Please refer to Program Structure for the Academic Requirements relating to this program.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following web-page:

Professional Recognition

Australian Computer Society (ACS)
The School of Information Systems, Technology and Management Programs are now accredited by the Australian Computer Society. Programs accredited to the level of Professional by the Australian Computer Society are: Bachelor of Commerce (Information Systems) including honours and double degrees Bachelor of Commerce (Information Systems and Management) including honours and double degrees Bachelor of Science (Information Systems) including honours and double degrees Bachelor of Science (Business Information Technology) including honours and double degrees.

Area(s) of Specialisation