International Studies (Lang) - 3416

This Program is no longer accepting new enrolments

Program Summary

Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 4 Years
Typical UOC Per Session: 24
Min UOC Per Session: 3
Max UOC Per Session: 24
Min UOC For Award: 192
Bachelor of International Studies in Languages (Major)

Program Description

The Languages program is designed for students wishing to prepare themselves for a professional career in the languages area, in Australia or overseas. It requires major sequences in two languages other than English, with the opportunity to acquire real fluency and competence through the overseas study period prescribed for the degree. Both within the language majors themselves, and in the electives to be chosen from courses in Asian Studies, European Studies, Globalisation and Linguistics, students will acquire a thorough understanding of the social and cultural contexts in which their chosen languages are used, and be ideally equipped to be articulate communicators and representatives for Australia overseas.

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Australia's position in the world requires us to communicate in an informed manner with our neighbours and trading partners. We also have a rich heritage from the diverse cultures from which we have come, which continue to influence our experience of the world and represent a considerable resource in Australia's current efforts to "internationalise" its economic and cultural systems. Genuine proficiency in other languages not only greatly expands personal horizons, but also adds significantly to the choice of countries for overseas study and employment.

Program Structure

The basic requirements for the degree are:

1. a total of 192 units of credit.

2. two major language sequences:

CHIN Chinese, FREN French, GERS German, GREK Greek (Modern), INDO Indonesian, JAPN Japanese, KORE Korean, RUSS Russian, SPAN Spanish.

3. at least 24 units of credit in ASIA, EURO, LING or INST courses.

4. a total of 48 units of credit at Level 1 including no more than 12 in any one area of study.

5. 6 units of credit in an Upper Level ARTS course.

6. INST3101 and INST3102.

7. 12 units of credit from the University's General Education program at Upper Level.

With the approval of the Coordinator, other courses offered by Schools and Programs of the Faculty may be substituted.

General Education Requirements

Students are also required to complete 12 units of credit from the University's General Education program during their second and third years of study. For further information, please refer to "General Education" in the Table of Contents (see left-hand side of the page)

Academic Rules

Pass Degree

To qualify for the award of the degree, a student must obtain, normally over four years of study, a minimum of 192 units of credit in approved courses including:

1. two major sequences from CHIN Chinese, FREN French, GERS German, GREK Greek (Modern), INDO Indonesian, JAPN Japanese, KORE Korean, RUSS Russian or SPAN Spanish;

2. at least 24 units of credit in ASIA, EURO, LING or INST courses;

3. a total of 48 Level 1 units of credit, including no more than 12 in any one sequence of study, from Lists A, B and C of the BA Rules;

4. 12 units of credit from the General Education program;

5. 6 units of credit from a third year ARTS elective;

6. an approved program at an overseas institution (Overseas Study Program) normally of two semesters undertaken during the third and fourth years of study, and equivalent to 24 units of credit in each semester. Students who enrol for only one semester overseas must complete an alternative approved program of 24 units of credit at the University of New South Wales.

7. to proceed on the Overseas Study Program, students must fulfill the requirements of the University's Exchange Program;

8. students wishing to study in a non-English speaking country must have achieved the required standard of competence in the language concerned as determined by the School of Modern Language Studies;

9. students who do not satisfy these requirements may apply to transfer to the BA program with credit for all courses completed.

Bachelor of International Studies with Distinction

10. The Pass degree of Bachelor of International Studies may be awarded with Distinction where a student has achieved a weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 75% in all courses completed since enrolment at UNSW which are credited towards the degree.

Honours Degree

To qualify for the award of the degree at Honours level in one or two Schools/specialisations, a student must:

11. have obtained 192 units of credit in accordance with the above rules and satisfied the appropriate prerequisites for entry to the Honours level program;

12. obtain a further 48 units of credit in an approved Honours program.

The Honours degree is awarded in three classes (Class 1, Class 2 in two Divisions and Class 3). Students who fail to obtain one of these classes may proceed to graduate with the Pass degree.

With the approval of the Coordinator, other courses offered by Schools and programs of the Faculty may be substituted.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following web-page:

Further Information

If you are interested in the International Studies program in 2005, please refer to the the program entry for program 3424.

Area(s) of Specialisation