Computer Engineering - COMPBH3707

Stream Summary

Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Computer Science and Engineering

Contact: School

Program: 3707 - Engineering (Honours)


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Major)

Stream Outline

Computer Engineering encompasses the structured and integrated design of the hardware and software components of computerised systems. Not only do personal computer systems, such as desktops and laptops fall into this category, but so do embedded systems for gaming, cars and PDAs, supercomputers used in climate modelling and gene analysis, and prosthetic systems such as ocular implants intended to improve quality of life. The challenge for the engineer is to design these systems with maximal impact, and to trade off competing factors using engineering, scientific and mathematical principles. This stream teaches the principles and techniques necessary to engineer high quality systems.

Computer Engineering is studied as a major stream in the BE(Hons). Day to day administration of this stream is conducted through the Computer Science and Engineering Student Office.

This page outlines the core rules for the Computer Engineering stream when taken as part of a single or dual award. The requirements total 168 units of credit, plus 60 days of industrial training. Refer to the program page for full details on the overall program requirements.

Further details on the stream requirements, electives, and advice regarding the order and placement of courses in the stream can be found at the: School website

Stream Structure

Students must take:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
  • Professional Electives (12 UOC): any COMP4 or higher
  • Professional Electives (24 UOC): any COMP3 or higher
  • 60 days Industrial Training