Aerospace Engineering - AEROA13710

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


Program: 3710 - Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng


Bachelor of Engineering (Major)

Stream Outline

The Aerospace Engineering stream covers the analysis, design and operation of aircraft and spacecraft. Graduates work mainly on the design and manufacture of flight vehicles, their operation with major or satellite airlines and research for civil and military aerospace organisations. Owing to the international nature of aerospace industry, the topics studied cover a similar area and, in general, to the same depth of understanding as professional training programs in aerospace in other industrial countries. The aerospace industry is one of Australia's major exporters of high value added manufactured goods.

The Faculty has approved an arrangement whereby students who satisfy the requirements of the first two years of a Mechanical Engineering four year degree program at any Australasian tertiary institution may be admitted to Years 3 and 4 of the stream leading to the Bachelor of Engineering degree in Aerospace Engineering. The proviso is that the Head of School is satisfied that the courses studied at the other institution are equivalent, and he gives his recommendation.

Stream Structure

Students who enrolled before 2012 should follow the plan at AEROA13710

Recommended plans of study may be found on the School's website

Year 1
Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
Plus these following 2 courses:

And ONE of:
Plus choose 2 electives from the Year 1 Elective List

Some courses in the stream assume prior knowledge of Chemistry equivalent to HSC Chemistry. Students without any prior Chemistry should choose CHEM1001. Other students with HSC Chemistry should choose CHEM1011.
  1. ENGG1811 is recommended for the AERO Stream.
  2. CVEN1300 is an acceptable alternative for MMAN1300
  3. Not all courses are offered in both semesters but students should complete 24 UOC in each semester.

The following courses must be taken to complete the plan: