
In this course, students will work through four modules designed to consolidate knowledge and skills of public health and professional practice, to provoke self-reflection on attributes and capabilities, and to encourage forward thinking to career and study opportunities after completion of their undergraduate degree. Each module will run for two … For more content click the Read More button below. Module one, Positioning Yourself in Public Health requires students to use self-assessment tools to identify public health capabilities and career interests and aspirations. The second module Professional Practice and Career Development in Public Health provides students with the opportunity to engage with professional practice in public health, career development opportunities, and transferrable skills for future work. In the third module, Applied Public Health Research, students will be supported to consolidate and further extend applied research skills for public health, including in research design, research ethics, collaborative and inclusive research approaches, and research translation. The final module focuses on Communication for Public Health and will enable students to develop and apply skills in public health advocacy, the use of new media and technologies in public health promotion, and strategies for developing health information, education and communication outputs.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisites: It is recommended that Applied Public Health Practice be undertaken by students who have completed the first 2 years (full-time equivalent) of the Bachelor of International Public Health.


Multimodal - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)