
The course focuses on algorithms for solving intractable computational problems, so-called NP-hard problems. Ideally, one would want to design algorithms that solve each instance exactly and in polynomial time. But since no polynomial time algorithm is known for any NP-hard problem, we will relax these requirements and design algorithms that … For more content click the Read More button below. Among algorithms that do not solve the problem exactly, we discuss heuristics and approximation algorithms. Heuristics do not guarantee to compute optimal solutions but tend to work well in practice. Approximation algorithms give additional guarantees of the quality of computed solution as compared to the optimal solution. Among algorithms that only solve a subset of instances, we discuss graph classes where NP-hard graph problems often become polynomial-time solvable when the input is restricted to these classes. Among algorithms that do not run in polynomial time, we discuss exponential-time algorithms and parameterized algorithms. In exponential-time algorithms we discuss algorithmic techniques to solve NP-hard problems provably faster than brute-force in the worst case. In parameterized algorithms, a parameter k is associated with each instance and the goal is to design algorithms whose worst-case running time is fast whenever k is small. We will also see lower bounds for problems and how to rule out certain running times under various complexity assumptions. In addition to deterministic algorithms, we discuss speed-ups if we have access to randomised algorithms or quantum algorithms.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: COMP3121 or COMP3821.


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)


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