
The main emphasis of the second year group project course is hands-on project engineering. The course has a lecture component covering project engineering, report writing, presentation skills, occupational health and safety, and theoretical principles specific to the project work to be undertaken. The project comprises a research component, a planning … For more content click the Read More button below. Lectures and laboratories will provide students with information and background knowledge about the project, hints and tips for managing projects and guidelines for writing technical reports and giving presentations.  The course will cover topics including:  Testing & instrumentation methods using LabView and Arduino.  Use of simulation and modelling software  Basic electronic circuits and design  Design and test procedures  Safe work, safe design, and risk assessment  PV cell and PV panel theory  Concentrator design theory & optics  Load-based system design  System analysis & diagnostics  Team management & collaboration skills  Engineering report writing & presentations 


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)

Course Outline

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Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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