
This course is the second of the Aviation work placement courses and builds on the skills and experiences gained in AVIA3199 Aviation Work Placement 1.  AVIA3199 must be completed as a co-requisite or pre-requisite to AVIA3299. This work placement course is for School of Aviation students who wish to extend … For more content click the Read More button below. Option A: 105-hour placement completed in 1 term; enrolment pattern = AVIA3199; total of 6 UOCOption B:  210-hour placement completed in 1 term; enrolment pattern = AVIA3199 and AVIA3299 in the same term; total of 12 UOC Option C: 210-hour placement completed over 2 terms; enrolment pattern = AVIA3199 in one term and AVIA3299 in the following term; total of 12 UOC In completing an extended or intensive option, students will have the opportunity to further develop professional workplace skills and engage in deeper self-reflection and analysis of the experience as a stepping stone into a graduate career. Like AVIA3199, AVIA3299 will count as a science or free elective and is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. The course is available to domestic and international students. If a domestic or international student wishes to undertake an overseas work placement, extra conditions will apply before the placement and enrolment into the course is approved. Eligibility and Enrolment Enrolment is subject to approval and completion of required pre-requisites. Permission to enrol will only be granted if the student: Is completing a School of Aviation major or specialisation;Has secured a supervised work placement compatible to their major of study, which has been reviewed and approved by the School; andHas completed the required pre-requisites (48 units of credit, minimum 65 WAM, passed pre-requisite Preparation for WIL modules) Please note: the course is only available to students who are commencing a new work placement compatible to their major of study. Students seeking to enrol with paid or unpaid work they are already undertaking outside their studies will not be considered.Students are required to experience a job hunting/recruitment process and secure a relevant work placement prior to seeking approval for enrolment. Work placements are not provided for students.Further details on how to find and secure a work placement, the application and approval process, course content and assessments, can be found at: https://www.science.unsw.edu.au/student-life/student-opportunitiesIt is the student’s responsibility to check if they have space in their program for this elective.This course cannot be taken during an Honours year.

Conditions for Enrolment

Must complete AVIA3199 Aviation Work Placement 1 as a co-requisite or pre-requisite.
It is the student’s responsibility to check if they have space in their program for this elective. This course cannot be taken during an Honours year.

Course Attributes

Multi-Term Course
Work Integrated Learning


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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