ARTS1240 “Environment and Society” recognises the urgency surrounding the current state of Earth. This course focuses on developing critical insights into the human dimensions of environmental issues, from everyday lifestyle decisions to collective choices; including issues such as urban development, resource use rights, energy access, and food production. ARTS1240 will … For more content click the Read More button below.
ARTS1240 is a gateway course into the Environmental Humanities and is a mandatory course in the Geographical Studies major.
Course Attributes
General Education
Introductory Course
In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)
Course Outline
To access course outline please visit below link (Please note that access to UNSW Canberra course outlines requires VPN):
Type | Amount |
Commonwealth Supported Students (if applicable) | $1003 |
Domestic Students | $4710 |
International Students | $4710 |
Pre-2019 Handbook Editions
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