
This course has been developed for students who find a work placement/internship (unpaid or paid) and would like to receive academic credit for the placement.  This course will enable students to explore and gain a practical understanding of the requirements and expectations of the professional workplace through experiential learning. Students … For more content click the Read More button below. The course is available to domestic and international students. If a domestic or international student wishes to undertake an overseas work placement, extra conditions will apply before the placement is approved. Permission to enrol in SCIF2199 will only be granted if the work internship/work placement is compatible to the student's major. Students who wish to enrol must have successfully completed a minimum of 48 UoC and have a WAM of >65 with no more than 1 fail. Placements are to be a minimum of 3 weeks full-time (105 hours or more). This may be done intensively in the semester break or spread out over the semester as approximately 10 hours per week. The course will count as a Science elective and is non-graded - this course is satisfactory/unsatisfactory completion. Note: To enrol in SCIF2199 please contact the [http://www.science.unsw.edu.au/current-students/science-student-centre | Science Student Centre].

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: 48 units of credit. Students must have a WAM of 65 or above to be eligible for this course

Course Outline

To access course outline please visit below link (Please note that access to UNSW Canberra course outlines requires VPN):


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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