
The learning and teaching philosophy underpinning this course is centred on Independent Learning Project (ILP) students taking on the role of researcher. In doing so, they develop advanced disciplinary knowledge, the use of specialised techniques/methodology relevant to their chosen research area, critical thinking, evaluation and synthesis of information, in addition ā€¦ For more content click the Read More button below. The principal form of teaching is based on research supervision and direction by specialist researchers within UNSW Medicine. Complementary to this, online Research Skills modules will be delivered and have been designed to provide training to ILP students in diverse areas that constitute research practice. Learning outcomes from this course will form the basis for future pursuits in medical research and transferrable skills. The information for this course is in the form of experimental techniques, protocols, technical tips and materials, which are usually provided by each laboratory and supervisor. In addition, self-directed use of other resources such as web-based sources are expected. You will need to maintain consistent communication with your supervisor and actively seek assistance from your supervisor (or co-supervisor) to clarify your understanding, as required. The main aim of the ILP is to introduce undergraduate medical students to research. Students will undertake a supervised research project that places emphasis on advanced disciplinary knowledge, the use of specialised techniques/ methodology relevant to their chosen research area, critical thinking and scientific communication. Students gain experience in scientific writing and oral presentation via the submission of two written assessments - a Literature Review and a Project Manuscript based on independent research activity-and a Poster and 3-minute thesis (3MT). The course is comprised of compulsory online Research Skills Modules (via Moodle), and Departmental/Research Institute/Lab Group seminars (all year round).


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