
MFAC 2510 is only available to students entering the MBBS 3802 program following completion of BMedSc (Hons). The course will be taken in the Summer Teaching Period and will prepare students prior to commencing the Phase 2 clinical courses. The course is designed to ensure that the students gain an … For more content click the Read More button below. Learning activities in the course are similar to those in Phase 1 of the MBBS program and will be based around health scenarios. Activities will include scenario group sessions and tutorials to address application of biomedical sciences, ethics and quality of medical practice. Clinical and communication skills sessions will be delivered on campus and in the teaching hospitals. Assessment will align with the graduate capabilities and will include: an individual assignment and a group project, a Clinical and Communication Skills examination and a portfolio essay. The Clinical and Communication Skills examination will be similar in format to the corresponding examination at the end of Phase 1 and will assess communication skills, medical history and physical examination. Students will be required to submit a portfolio essay which addresses how their understanding of the graduate capabilities has developed over the course.

Course Outline

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