
Design is one of the critical foundations of engineering and a main component in creating value. A good engineer has complex technical skills, but also creative skills, project management and teamworking skills, and knowledge of professional ethical standards in design.  DESN2000 aims to further develop your skills in engineering design … For more content click the Read More button below. The course builds on the teamwork, communication, and project management skills introduced in ENGG1000. Skills learned in DESN2000 are further deepened in DESN3000, which will develop skills for managing design in commercial context. With ENGG1000 and DESN3000, DESN2000 provides design skills described in Engineers Australia’s Stage 1 Competencies, especially competencies 1.3, 1.5, 1.6; 2., 2.3; and 3.2 and 3.6. Students who require DESN2000 should enrol in a specific term according to their Engineering Specialisation: Term 2: Students with specialisations offered by the School of Electrical Engineering and TelecommunicationsStudents with specialisations offered by the School of Computer Science and Engineering Term 3: Students with specialisations offered by the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringStudents with specialisations offered by the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy EngineeringStudents with specialisations offered by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Conditions for Enrolment

Please refer to the course overview section for information on prerequisite requirements.


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