
This course develops the theory and practice underlying the actuarial management of risk-based and other products offered by financial institutions. The course draws examples from actuarial practice and discusses implications for life insurance, general insurance, superannuation, asset-liability management and other areas where actuaries are involved in product design, pricing, reserving, … For more content click the Read More button below. This course, along with ACTL4002(ACTL5200 Actuarial Theory and Practice A, develops the theory and practice underlying the actuarial management of risk-based and other products offered by financial institutions. The course draws examples from actuarial practice and discusses implications for life insurance, general insurance, superannuation, asset-liability management and other areas where actuaries are involved in product design, pricing, reserving, investment and surplus management. The course emphasises recent developments in actuarial theory. This course, along with ACTL4002/ACTL5200, corresponds to the Part II courses of the professional examinations of The Institute of Actuaries of Australia.

Conditions for Enrolment

Pre-requisite: ACCT1511, ACTL3141, ACTL3182, FINS1613, ACTL3162, ACTL3151, ECON1102, 60+ WAM.
Note: Students in 3587 may complete ACTL3141 as a co-requisite

Course Outline

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